Industrial Construction

Specializes in general contractor in both light industries and heavy industries such as construction of apartment buildings, office buildings, hospitals, sports and cultural facilities.  bridges and roads, urban infrastructure, water supply and drainage facilities for high-rise buildings such as hotels, etc.

As a reputable and potential contractor in the construction of factories and workshops with high quality standards such as food, medical, .. Construction of pre-engineered steel buildings of all apertures, purlins, color coated metal roofing sheets.
Besides, iAPG also operates other fields such as:

  • Investment consultancy, consultancy in construction design , planning urban areas, industrial zones ...
  • Casting and pressing reinforced concrete piles
  • Manufacturing and erection of prefabricated steel buildings
  • Investment in real estate business
Industrial Construction
Product Quality
Product Quality

During the course of operation, with a scientific organizational structure, a system of machinery and equipment for full and modern work, ... the goal of An Phu Gia Construction Joint Stock Company is to become a joint venture. Reputable enterprises in the construction industry in +Vietnam and in the region. Therefore, the products of An Phu Gia Construction Joint Stock Company when being used in the market always have caio quality, in accordance with applicable standards and meet the highest requirements of customers.

To achieve the above goal, An Phu Gia Construction Joint Stock Company implements the Quality Management System based on the requirements of International Standard ISO 9001: 2000, and constantly improves the management and improvement methods. high qualifications of officials and employees, improving the capacity of machinery and equipment and technological innovation to ensure high quality products
Director of An Phu Gia Construction Joint Stock Company commits and requires all employees in the company to understand the company's Quality Policy, comply with ISO 9001: 2000 Quality Management System, work to the best of our ability for the reputation and the sustainable development of the Company."