The GGT project has been officially deployed from March 12, 2021
up to now. It has been 8 months and 3 days since then.
During this hard time due to disadvantages from the quarantine phase such as
transport restrictions, the Site Management Board members have had a lot of
pressure from completion deadline, quality and safety in construction. However,
with resilience and responsibility, they have successfully completed B4
basement, which gains high appreciation from the Board of Directors.
Before pouring concrete, on behalf of the Site Management Board,
Mr. Ngo Quang Vinh expressed his sincere gratitude for the Board of Directors,
the Project Management Board and supervision consultants because of their
support and companionship. He also committed to perfectly completing the
project together with all the members.
Recognizing the contributions of the Site Management Board, the
Board of Directors decides to reward them with USD $2,000 with the belief that
they will contribute to the prosperous development of APGCons in the future.