Understanding and feeling the difficulties that Bac Ninh is facing every day, the representative of An Phu Gia Construction Joint Stock Company - Project Management Board of Hung Ngan project handed over Covid prevention equipment in person at People's Committee of Cho town and the People's Committee of Yen Phu commune. With this practical and meaningful gift, we hope to be able to give strength to Bac Ninh so that it can maintain the spirit of fighting against the Covid-19 epidemic and soon be able to return to daily production activities.

other news

  • Last May and June, HRA.Dept. cooperated with HSE Dept. to train "Safety culture in construction" issued by APGCons to all staff working on the project. At the same time, recorded, shared and answered questions about related policies.
    The training, fostering and improvement of safety knowledge for the Stie Management Team at the sites have always been paid attention and strictly enforced by the Board of Directors.
  • The GGT project has been officially deployed from March 12, 2021 up to now. It has been 8 months and 3 days since then. 
  • After Covid-19 quarantine time, APGCons has got back in the game with the Topping Off Ceremony of the “Center of R&D and manufacturing for high tech precision molding, supplying for the supporting industries of Lap Phuc Co., Ltd (Block D)” project on October 24, 2021

  • Making a mark in the construction field in the South, An Phu Gia Construction Joint Stock Company (abbreviated: APGCons) began to expand the market to the North and continuously reaped success when winning at the same time when bidding for 2 big projects. Thereby creating a premise for a strong breakthrough in this potential market.

  •  2006年に設立されたAPGConsは、ベトナムの著名な建設会社の1つとして知られています。APGConsブランドは、メコンデルタのVinh Long省にあるChingluh靴工場、ホーチミン市のCu Chi地区にあるSmart Logistics倉庫、ホーチミン市の第8区にあるFelisa Riversideアパート、第7区にあるD’Velaアパートなど、全国150の巨大プロジェクトに参加しています。APGConsは、各プロジェクトを着実に進めるとともに、労働者の安全を保証するために常にさまざまな対策を講じています。このように、会社は常に顧客の信頼と評価を獲得しAPGConsを「顧客の信頼、利益、満足」に基づいたコアバリューに向かわせています。